Martes, Disyembre 27, 2011

Reasons: Why Love MUSIC?

MUSIC is an art. Music keeps us entertained. and lastly, music is deeply and deeply and deeply found in our hearts. and that's what makes us dependable to music!

I was once not fond of music as well. But then later on I found out how it changed my lifestyle. With music, I found myself smiling in the morning, energetic and carefree. ( which is... not really me. ha! ) I remember my mom telling me this: " why so happy? what keeps you inspired?" what I said was.. " Mom, yes of course I am inspired! Inspired by the beautiful sound of music! 

Don't be too contented with just listening to music. You gotta MAKE your own music. PLAY your own music! Don't be too hesitant on playing instruments. need advise on what instrument to learn ? take it from me, play the piano first, then the rest of the instruments! 

the PIANO: (pt. 1)

middle C? C#? D? D#?E?E#? and so on~ Pretty hard and complicating huh? but wait! you're taking it wrongly. Reading notes and playing the piano is so fun! When I was eleven, i took my first piano lesson. I actually find it hard to read notes. Especially sheets with flats and sharps? Oh! give me a break! But then after years of practicing, I have learned to love reading notes with or without those flats and sharps! Playing the piano won't only entertain you... It will also enhance your rate on thinking. Because the faster you read notes, the faster you learn and understand! 

part 2 coming soon! 
credits to: Ren Marco and an Unknown friend.